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The getaway is just like grand theft auto only I think it's cooler.
Vehicle controls:
1.2 Controls
In Vehicle (For this is a Vehicle Guide!)
O:Exit Car
L1:Right Indicator (Free Roaming Mode)
L3:Car Horn
D-Pad/left stick:Steer
Start:Pause Menu
Vehicle list:
Name: eg Steamroller!
Most likely to be found: eg In the River!
Colours found in:eg Pink, Brown, Orange. (any I know of, I can't list them all if
I don't know them all!)
Speed:eg 6/10 it goes quite fast, doesn't it?
Acceleration:eg 2/10 damn slow off the mark
Handling:eg 1/10 Like a dead Whale
Durablity:eg 10/10 It'll take a fair few hits
Looks:eg 5/10 Like a Steamroller!
The Steamroller is a car. Well no, it isn't. I wouldn't really use one to
escape in. It basically looks like a steamroller, and if you don't know what
one of them is, then I feel sorry for you, really I do.
And with no further wait, here they all are!
Name:Alfa Romeo 156
Most Likely to be Found:They can be found nearly everywhere, so just look!
Colours found in:Green, Light Blue, a Sickly Green.
Speed:7/10 Quite Fast
Acceleration:6/10 Again, it isn't a slow car
Handling:4/10 nothing too special
Durability:5/10 it can take enough damage to last a while
Looks:5/10 I don't really like it all that much
This car is owned by Mark Hammond, or at least I think it is. It's the car
he first uses to pursue Charlie's boys (and girl) when they kidnap Alex, so
that's why I'm going to assume it. It's the only Alpha Romeo in the game, it
isn't a bad car, but it isn't what I'd call world class either.
Most Likely to be Found:Around the Hospital(usually in pairs) which is on
Tottenham Court road, if memory serves me correct
Colours found in:White, with ambulance insignia on it
Speed:4/10 Not all that fast
Acceleration:3/10 Again, it isn't exactly a Ferrari
Handling:3/10 Not all that good
Durability:7/10 It knows how to take a hit
Looks:4/10 Ambulances are ugly, but I guess it's cool driving around in one.
This is an Ambulance! they are driven only by paramedics. You can also
activate the siren with the L3. It's ironic because in one of Carter's
missions where you have to take Joe to the hospital, Carter says "I won't
wait for the Ambulance" even though when you go down the road, there's loads
all driving together.
Most Likely to be Found:All over, but there's a lot in Southwark if you ask
Colours found in:Red
Speed:*Unknown* I'd estimate 3/10
Acceleration:*Unknown* I'd estimate 3/10
Handling:*Unknown* I'd estimate 2/10
Durability:*Unknown* I'd estimate 7/10
Looks:4/10 I do know this one! It looks ugly
For some reason known only to Team Soho, you can't actually get into the
single-decker buses. Where I live, these are white, but in London presumably
they are red.
OK, see "Other vehicle" section for some notes on buses
Name:Brabus A-Class
Most Likely to be Found:Hyde Park, the Mall
Colours found in:Black, White
Speed:6/10 Fairly Fast Little Motor
Acceleration:5/10 Kinda quick
Handling:6/10 she can go round corners OK
Durability:4/10 can't take too many collisions
Looks:4/10 Ugly
This is a modified Mercedes A-Class and was a very clever thing for Team Soho
to do by slipping this one in under the manufacturer, Brabus. It's an OK ride
I guess
Name:Brabus S-Class
Most Likely to be Found:Yardie Turf, ie Clerkerwell
Colours found in:Silver
Speed:8/10 vrroom!
Acceleration:7/10 again, it's fast!
Handling:5/10 nothing wrong with the handling
Durability:4/10 Slamming it into things isn't the best of ideas
Looks:7/10 nice!
This is a car used exclusively by the Yardies(In that I haven't seen anyone
else using them). Good to cruise around in, but it isn't fun when they are
chasing you as they are lightning quick.It's a modified Mercedes SL.It's
the Yardies "second choice" car.
Name:Citroen Saxo
Most Likely to be Found:Around the West side of London
Colours found in:Blue, Orange, Purple
Speed:5/10 Average
Acceleration:6/10 Not too slow off the mark
Handling:8/10 very good!
Durability:3/10 Not exactly a Tank
Looks:6/10 Not all that bad
The only car in the game from Citroen, and it is best suited to weaving in
and out of traffic. It's a fairly small car, which probably explains why.
Name:Daihatsu Hi-Jets
Most Likely to be Found:Industrial Areas
Colours found in:White usually, ocassionally a Dirty Yellow Colour or a blue
Speed:2/10 not fast
Acceleration:2/10 again, not your ideal racing car
Handling:5/10 not all that bad
Durability:5/10 It can take a few hits
Looks:0/10 Ugh, I hate these vans!
This is basically an Egg-Shaped Van, and I hate them, they look ugly, they're
slow, and are to be used only at your most desperate hour!
Name:Daihatsu Hi-Jets Pick-up
Most Likely to be Found:2 or 3 places in Hyde Park. One of them is at a depot
of vans, another is behind a few trees and a smallish building on next to a
path. I think I found a third location, but
a) I can't remember where it was
b) it could have just been the second one
Although Hyde Park is a maze, I know that I always stumble across them at some
point or another.
Colours found in:White, with Royal Parks insignia.
Speed:4/10 Perhaps a bit faster than the Hi-jets van
Acceleration:2/10 very slow starter though
Handling:5/10 reasonable
Durability:5/10 again, it isn't all that bad
Looks:2/10 but only because it has grass/leaves in the back!
This could be a rare vehicle, although I know that I have stumbled across
them during missions. They can't be seen driving around, and are basically
a Daihatsu Hi-Jets modified into a pick-up truck. it has grass/leaves in
the back though! which is a good thing, maybe. At least that feature is
Name:Daihatsu Sirion
Most Likely to be Found:All over the place
Colours found in:A lot! (red, green, blue, I'm pretty certain I have seen
black ones and white ones)
Speed:4/10 Not too bad
Acceleration:5/10 slightly better
Handling:8/10 very good for weaving in and out of traffic
Durability:4/10 not very durable though
Looks:5/10 Exactly like a New Mini!
I went through most of the game believing these were New Minis, until on
the radio, I heard the Police Traffic Control or whatever they are called
say "driving a red sirion". I'd never even heard of these before, so I had
to do a search on the net. Anyway, just pretend they are new-minis, I know
I do!
Name:Double Decker Bus
Most Likely to be Found:Everywhere, in the Bus Lane.
Colours found in:Red, and they have 3 different adverts(see below)
Speed:3/10 Like a Bus
Acceleration:3/10 Like a Bus
Handling:2/10 Like a Bus
Durability:9/10 like a Bus
Looks:4/10 Like a Bus!!! I gave it an extra mark because they're famous and
it's cool to drive one
London Buses are very common in The Getaway, and are usually seen in the Bus
Lane. The 3 adverts on them, in order of commoness are:
1) "Natural Blonde Killer" an advert for the Musical, Chicago.
2) "Abba-solutely Fabulous" an advert for the Musical, Mama Mia
3) This is Football 2003, a game made by SCEE
Name:Fiat Punto
Most Likely to be Found:Again, everywhere
Colours found in:Yellow, Brick-Red/Orange Light Blue
Speed:5/10 It's a smallish car
Acceleration:4/10 that isn't very fast
Handling:8/10 Nice Handling though!
Durability:4/10 not nice durablity however
Looks:3/10 Ugly! It gained a mark because a lot of people where I live used to
drive them(Now it's all Ford Fiesta/Ka/Focuses or Peugeot 206S) in like 1996.
It's basically an ugly Fiat, like most Fiats really (can you believe that they
own Ferrari with all those ugly cars!?). The back Slopes down is a brief
description, they are good for weaving in and out of traffic with I suppose
Name:Fire Engine
Most Likely to be Found:On Disturbance in Soho, a bit down the street from the
Colours found in:Red, with Fire Engine Insignia on it
Speed:4/10 Won't get to every fire on time
Acceleration:4/10 no wonder they're on strike!
Handling:3/10 not all that good!
Durability:9/10 It's a nice Behemoth in this department though!
Looks:5/10 Fire Engines are kinda cool
Basically, it's a vehicle in which firefighters clamber into to go out and
put out fires. Unfortunately, there are none on the streets, so they must
all be on strike, heh! (Firemen have been on strike in the UK recently in
case you didn't know)It has a Siren though!
Name:Golf Buggy/Cart (whatever you want to call it)
Most Likely to be Found:It's in the northern Area of Hyde Park, near a
set of crossroads. Just follow the yellow path until it is crossed over
by a grey one, take the grey path down till you get to a set of crossroads,
and it's to the left, in front of you hidden behind a group of bushes.
Colours found in:White, with insignia on the small door
Speed:6/10 not too bad when it gets going
Acceleration:4/10 it's a golf buggy, don't expect it to be a Ferrari
Handling:4/10 It's small Tyres mean it has low grip
Durability:3/10 Can't take all that much either
Looks:4/10 Like A Golf Cart
This is the only one of three times I intend to mention GTA Vice city in
this section, so bear with me. It's exactly like a "Caddy" From that game,
except this one has a door. Basically, it's for transporting Golfers and
there equipment around courses, not hardened criminals on the run from
the Police and an Army of gangs!
Most Likely to be Found:Mansion on Bayswater road, just follow the road
along until you can go south, keep going and you will see what I can best
describe as a "rounded" road, which has a blue-ish fence next to it. There
s a gap in this fence, go through it, along the path until you get to a
mansion with two sports cars sitting outside. Look in the garage(do a 180
from where you entered) and look in the corner.
Colours found in:Um, I can't give it a colour really.
Speed:7/10 Not Bad!
Acceleration:7/10 Nice for a go-kart
Handling:4/10 like the Golf Buggy It's small Tyres mean it has low grip,
but this adds to the fun!
Durability:3/10 don't expect to collide head on with a Double Decker and
come out the better off of the two!
Looks:7/10 It's a Go-Kart! very nice!
It has an invisible door! spooky! This is a great, original idea, and I like
it, especially it's crazy handling. It's not wholly an ideal getaway car,
because It can't take many hits, but it could squeze through gaps in traffic
Name:Honda Accord
Most Likely to be Found:The Borough Area
Colours found in:The vast majority are a sickly green or a pale blue
Speed:5/10 I've seen worse...
Acceleration:5/10 ... but I've also seen better!
Handling:5/10 OK I guess
Durability:7/10 Takes more hits that I thought it would have done!
Looks:3/10 Not all that good
It doesn't look particulary new, It looks like it is from the mid-1980's
and drives how you would expect a car from that era to drive!
Name:Honda Civic
Most Likely to be Found:Triad Turf, which is very hard to pinpoint! I think
there is one in the underground NCP
Colours found in:Green, Purple(If the ones outside the crack house are Accords
which I always thought they were, I didn't get a close look really)
Speed:8/10 As you'd expect for
Acceleration:7/10 a Triad car
Handling:4/10 Doesn't take corners well
Durability:6/10 Not all that bad really
Looks:6/10 Not too bad!
It's the Triads "second choice" car, and is reasonably fast, which isn't
good when they are pursuing you and hunting you down! Still, it's Honda's
best car in the game.
Name:Jensen Interceptor
Most Likely to be Found:North, look around King's Cross St. Pancras Station,
I know I usually find them around there
Colours found in:A horrible brown! also Banana Yellow and Red
Speed:7/10 Quite Fast
Acceleration:6/10 For an Old banger!
Handling:4/10 Still, the handling is old
Durability:4/10 and it can't take too many hits
Looks:4/10 It has a large rear windscreen, and what's with the colour!?!?!
Not bad in terms of sheer speed, but lacking in handling and durability, and
a lack in all of these areas is a recipie for disaster!
Name:Jensen SV8
Most Likely to be Found:Mayfair, City of London
Colours found in:Green, Blue
Speed:6/10 Speedy
Acceleration:7/10 For an Old banger!
Handling:5/10 Not too bad actually
Durability:4/10 Can't take a lot of hits
Looks:7/10 2 Seater Sports Car
Basically, this is the other Jensen Car in the game. Again, it's good and
speedy, but is lacking slightly on other fronts.
Name:Lexus IS200
Most Likely to be Found:Everywhere
Colours found in:Silver,Blue
Speed:7/10 Reasonably
Acceleration:8/10 Fast
Handling:5/10 not too bad
Durability:5/10 Can't take many hits
Looks:5/10 Not too bad
This is just a basic Lexus car, it's the only non-gang one however, and
is often cruising down the starting street for free-roaming mode,
Malborough Road.
Name:Lexus LS430
Most Likely to be Found:Bethnall Green Mob Turf, ie South of the River
Non-Gang Version in Soho
Colours found in:Silver/Cream
Speed:8/10 It has to be fast
Acceleration:8/10 because it's a gang car
Handling:4/10 a bit ropey
Durability:7/10 It takes a bit of punishment though
Looks:6/10 Better than the IS200
This is the Bethnall Green Mobs "Primary Car" and is suprisingly able
to take a fair amount of punishment before giving in.
*Thanks to the pornicater for pointing out my error*
Name:Lexus SC430
Most Likely to be Found:Collins Gang Turf, ie Soho
Colours found in:Dark Blue, White
Speed:7/10 Quite
Acceleration:8/10 Nippy
Handling:6/10 It can handle corners OK
Durability:5/10 Not too durable
Looks:8/10 Quite nice!
This is the Collins gang car, and to make up for the fact that they
only have one car, it has two colours instead. A nice car on which you
can rely on to make an escape
Most Likely to be Found:Industrial Areas
Colours found in:White, with company name(random each time) on side
Speed:3/10 It's a Lorry
Acceleration:3/10 So don't hold your breath
Handling:3/10 Poor
Durability:9/10 Go on, get in it's way, I dare you!
Looks:3/10 Like a Lorry
This is basically a Lorry of an unknown manufacturer. Like the London Bus,
you get an inside erm cockpit I suppose is the right word for it, view.
Name:Lotus Elise
Most Likely to be Found:Mansion on Bayswater road, just follow the road
along until you can go south, keep going and you will see what I can best
describe as a "rounded" road, which has a blue-ish fence next to it. There
s a gap in this fence, go through it, along the path until you get to a
mansion with two sports cars sitting outside. Look in the garage and you will
see it. The second is at the lock-up of Charlie's that Frank Carter raided on
the mission "The Jolson Files"
Colours found in:White
Speed:9/10 nnnniiii
Acceleration:9/10 cccceeee!!!!
Handling:5/10 not all that bad!
Durability:5/10 can't take a lot of hits!
Looks:9/10 Sweet! First thing:It has doors like the Delorean in Back to the
Future, in that they open vertically, and Second Thing:Second mention of
GTA Vice City out of three, it looks just like an Infernus
This thing is FAST! it's a very nice car to cruise around in, because it
looks so cool, and also it's a good getaway car too. It and the TVR seem
to be Twins, they always follow each other around, except in one place, no
wait, two places where the TVR is on it's own.
Name:Lotus Elite
Most Likely to be Found:City of London
Colours found in:Green
Speed:7/10 Kinda Fast
Acceleration:8/10 Kinda Fast again
Handling:3/10 Not too easy to get to grips with
Durability:4/10 Can't take being hit too often all that well
Looks:7/10 Classic Sports Car!
The Above statement of "Classic Sports Car" basically sums up the Lotus
Elite well, it's not as good as the Elise or the Espirit, and lacks modern
steering aids
Name:Lotus Espirit
Most Likely to be Found:If you head along Marylebone Road, in the district of
believe it or not, Marylebone. Head West along this road, and a little alley
should be on your right, which is where a certain car is
Colours found in:Silver
Speed:8/10 Good
Acceleration:8/10 All Lotuses have good acceleration!
Handling:5/10 And Fairly Good Handling
Durability:5/10 But can't take much damage!
Looks:7/10 They always look good though
This is another Hidden Lotus Car(One more still to come!) and it's basically
a typical Lotus for all the points which I just summed up, a nice car if
you want to just cruise the streets of London.
Name:Lotus 7 MKII Roadster
Most Likely to be Found:You start with it in Free Roaming Mode
Colours found in:Purple
Speed:8/10 Fast
Acceleration:9/10 Fast
Handling:4/10 Nicht zu gut
Durability:3/10 doesn't survive many hits
Looks:8/10 Slick!
This is called a "roadster" but I cannot see how! I think I can honestly
say that other than on The Getaway, I have NEVER seen one on the roads!
It's more of a racing car, really.In GTA:London (not a reference to the
modern version) it was called the "Locust 7" So I guess it could have
been on the streets in 1969, but now it is 2003, so it's unlikely that there
are any on the roads today.
Name:MG ZT
Most Likely to be Found:City of London
Colours found in:Light Blue, Light yellow
Speed:7/10 Nice, Nippy
Acceleration:6/10 Car!
Handling:5/10 Not too bad really
Durability:5/10 Can take several hits
Looks:7/10 Very nice indeed!
The only MG Car in the game, It's a shame that other MGs aren't in it, but
this one will have to do. Not that I'm complaining, it's quite a nice car
and not too bad as a getaway vehicle
Name:Nissan Micra
Most Likely to be Found:Anywhere North of the River
Colours found in:Light Blue, Green
Speed:4/10 Quite Slow
Acceleration:5/10 Same
Handling:8/10 Good Handling though
Durability:3/10 Can't take a lot of hits
Looks:5/10 Nothing Special, Nothing overly ugly
Basically it's a small city car, which although is slow, it's a brilliant
vehicle for weaving in and out of traffic with
Name:Nissan Skyline GTR
Most Likely to be Found:Piccadily Circus, Triad Turf. A hidden one can be
found in this location. Mansion on Bayswater road, just follow the road
along until you can go south, keep going and you will see what I can best
describe as a "rounded" road, which has a blue-ish fence next to it. There
s a gap in this fence, go through it, along the path until you get to a
mansion with two sports cars sitting outside. The white one on the left is
the Skyline.
Colours found in:Black/White
Speed:7/10 Fairly Fast
Acceleration:8/10 Quick off the mark
Handling:5/10 OK, there are worse than it
Durability:5/10 Again, there are less durable cars
Looks:6/10 not too bad!
This is the Triads "primary car" and they use it a lot. They can often be seen
around Piccadilly Circus, for some unknown reason. The Skyline is a fairly
fast car, and is fun to race around London in. It also makes a good getaway
Name:Peugeot 306
Most Likely to be Found:Anywhere North of the River
Colours found in:Red, Brownish-Yellow
Speed:6/10 OK for a small car
Acceleration:5/10 Fairly Average
Handling:8/10 Very Nice Handling
Durability:4/10 Can take a little bit of damage
Looks:5/10 OK, it has a "GB" Car sticker on the back which is kinda cool!
This is probably the best of the small City Cars, which is probably why
the Police use it(in this game at least) As I said before, every eingle one
of these has a "GB" Sticker on it, which is kinda weird but also kinda cool
Name:Peugeot 306 "Boy Racer"
Most Likely to be Found:If you go to Horseferry Road(J14) on the south side
of this road is an alley leading to a small underground car park with some
burnt out cars in it. The boy racer is hidden behind a wall and is tucked
into a corner
Colours found in:Yellow
Speed:7/10 It's been Souped up!
Acceleration:7/10 So what do you expect?
Handling:8/10 Good handling
Durability:4/10 Shame it can't take much damage
Looks:7/10 So Cool! Well, it's a good imitation of a Boy Racer car, what with
the Spoiler and the Speakers in the back and everything!
This is probably the best of the three Peugeot 306's, but I wouldn't ever
consider showing off to your mates in a REAL boy racer car, because everyone
laughs at boy racers! At least I do. This isn't a pure Boy Racer car, it needs
to be an older model of car
Name:Police Peugeot 306
Most Likely to be Found:All over the City
Colours found in:White, with fluorescant yellow bands on the side, Police
Speed:6/10 OK for a small car
Acceleration:5/10 Fairly Average
Handling:8/10 Very Nice Handling
Durability:5/10 Can take a little bit more damage
Looks:5/10 OK, it isn't an especially nice Police Car
This is just the basic Partol Car, so don't expect Cops in this to be
chasing you for very long unless you are in Free Roaming Mode, but even
then you can lose them because they aren't in an especially fast car. L3
activates it's siren.
Double Health
Enter this during the opening movie
Infinite Ammo
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Left, Right, Square at the FMV before the title screen.
P.S. not all cars are listed look out for the rest of them later!
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