
Game Review
.Hack part 2 Mutation
By Joe S.
Jun 14, 2003, 11:54

Hey it's Joe here. Most of you probably haven't heard of the .hack series on Cartoon Network but if you have then this game blends into the end of the show so this game is kind of like an extension on the show exept you play instead of just watch. Anyway this game is one of the best I've played in a while. The reason is the graphics and the music along with the many spells items and weapons make this game fun not only to play along the storyline but even just to goof around. A down side to this is the monsters are stronger the data bugs take longer to kill and drain and even though you can learn new ways to data drain your infection meter grows levels faster. Other than that and getting lost easily this game is good. Personally I can't wait for part 3. I give this game's controls 10 out of 10, story line 10 out of 10 man spreading the same storyline over 4 games thats pretty good! graphics 10 out of 10 and the music 9 out of 10 sorry but the music on games are supposed to either help you fight or make you scared this music only scared me. Overall this game gets 9 1/2 out of 10.

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