
Game Review
Final Fantasy Tactics
By Joe S.
Oct 26, 2003, 21:29

Yo this is Joe S. coming at you with another game review.
This reviews subject is Final Fantasy Tactics.
Well the game is pretty good. The game play is a little *ahem* over the hill being from 1998 but the story line is pretty awesome. Its story line is even more complicated than final fantasy 7! Your name is..well..whoever and your brothers are plotting the royal betrayel of the century and you being the stupid brother that you are don't notice a thing :) but after the death of your best friend and adopted brother's sister, Teta at the hands of *spoiler* Algus then every one gets upset and well, kills everyone, and you and delita,your friend/brother seperate and you become a bounty hunter and other stuff happens that totally blows some of the newer games storylines out of the water. Well what stands out about this game is that you can get different jobs and cool abilities and other cool thingys. The only problem with this game is the controls are a little hard at first but other than that every thing was shweeet i give this game a 9 out of 10
A :)
a female knight and a female black mage

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